The fear of God is a fountain of life | مخافة الرب ينبوع حياة
God is one and has no partner | الله واحد لا شريك له
Managing emotions | إدارة المشاعر
So does God guide whomever He wishes from among His righteous servants? | هل الله يهدي من يشاء من عباده الصالحين؟
Everything has a price | كل حاجة لها ثمن
Lessons from loving reproach | دروس من عتاب المحبة
Did Christ really rise or did God raise him to Himself? | هل قام المسيح حقًا أم رفعه الله إليه؟
I will sing praise to God while I have my being | أرنم لإلهي ما دمت موجودًا
The fall of similar theories about the crucifixion and death of Christ | سقوط نظريات الشبيه في صلب وموت المسيح
Do you want a revival? | عايز نهضة؟
My transgression is too great to bear | ذنبي أعظم من أن يحتمل
Was Christ killed for sure, or did God raise him up? | هل قُتل المسيح يقينًا أم رفعه الله إليه؟