Get up and eat |قم وكل
Presented by: Pastor Gamal Badie
God is leading you away from danger, to a place free from distress |يقودك من وجه الضيق إلي رحب فيه
Presented by: Pastor Gamal Badie
Cana Galilee Wedding | عرس قانا الجليل
Presented by : Rev. Fakhry Farag
Who rolls the stone away? | من يدحرج الحجر؟
Presented by: Rev. Fakhry Farag
Pain |الألم
Presented by: Rev. Fakhry Farag
Healing | الشفاء
Presented by : Rev. Fakhry Farag
Worship the Lord with joy | أعبدوا الرب بفرح
Presented by : Rev. Fakhry Farag
The word is very near to you | الكلمة قريبة منك جداً
Presented by : Rev. Issam Haddad
And your Father who sees in secret shall reward thee openly | فأبوك الذي يرى في الخفاء يجازيك علانية
Presented by : Rev. Issam Haddad
How long will you waver between two opinions? | حتى متى تعرجون بين الفرقتين؟
Presented by : Rev. Issam Haddad
Behold, I give you authority | ها أنا أعطيكم سلطاناً
Presented by : Rev. Issam Haddad
The covenant of the Lord is yours | عهد الرب لك
Presented by : Pastor Gamal Bade