How to listen to the voice of the Lord and the leadership of his Holy Spirit ? | كيف استمع لصوت الرب وقيادة روحه القدوس؟
Episode guest: Dr. Pastor Yousef Bakhit
What is the meaning of “Walk by the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh”? | ما معنى “أسلكوا بالروح فلا تكملوا شهوة الجسد”؟
Episode guest: Dr. Pastor Yousef Bakhit
Did miracles happen in the era of the apostles? | هل حدثت معجزات في عصر الرسل ؟
Episode guest: Dr. Pastor Yousef Bakhit
Has the era of miracles and gifts ended with the end of the era of the apostles? | هل أنتهى عصر المعجزات والمواهب بأنتهاء عصر الرسل؟
Episode guest: Dr. Pastor Yousef Bakhit
How do I pray every time in the spirit ? | كيف اصلي كل وقت في الروح؟
Episode guest: Dr. Pastor Yousef Bakhit
Has the talent for speaking in tongues ended due to the large number of language institutes? | هل أنتهت موهبة التكلم بالألسنة لكثرة معاهد تعليم اللغات؟
Episode guest: Dr. Pastor Yousef Bakhit
The difference between the grief of the soul and the extinguishing of the Holy Spirit | الفرق بين إحزان الروح وإطفاء الروح القدس
Episode guest: Dr. Pastor Yousef Bakhit
Education service (Part 1) Who is the teacher? | خدمة التعليم (جزء 1) من هو المعلم؟
Episode guest: Dr. Pastor Yousef Bakhit
Shepherd Service (Part 2) Pastoral service names | خدمة الراعي (جزء 2) مسميات الخدمة الرعوية
Episode guest: Dr. Pastor Yousef Bakhit
Shepherd Service (Part 1) Pastors, who are they? | خدمة الراعي (جزء 1) الرعاة، من هم؟
Episode guest: Dr. Pastor Yousef Bakhit
The service of the missionary (Part1) Missionaries, who are they? | خدمة المبشر (جزء 1) المبشرين من هم؟
Episode guest: Dr. Pastor Yousef Bakhit
The service of the prophets (Part 5) How do we distinguish false prophets? | خدمة الأنبياء (جزء 5) كيف نميز الأنبياء الكذبة؟
Episode guest: Dr. Pastor Yousef Bakhit