What is the meaning of grace? | يعني إيه نعمة
I am waiting for you to work on me | مستنيك تعمل في
Speak, why are you silent? | اتكلم ساكت ليه
Thank you for the life that has passed | باشكرك على عمر عدى
Rest assured, why are you afraid? | اطمن خايف ليه
Really, you will be | حقيقي هاتبقى
My God is alive | إلهي حي
We are happy | فرحانين
We will meet you in the midst of difficulties | بنلاقيك وسط المصاعب
Not poetry | مش أشعار
My son, your Steps is not neglected | يا ابني خُطاك مش مُهْمَلة
I will not live, sir | لن أعيش سيدي